We went to the outdoor play last night and had a really good time. The kids loved it and were PERFECT..which is REALLY saying something since they never are! It was very chilly though and I don't think it helped my sore throat at all. I think I have moved past the fever/chills/aches stage though..and the worst of the pain is over...although it still hurts pretty bad!
Kyle and I had a disagreement this morning and I started cleaning and doing laundry. I have done 2 loads of laundry, cleaned all the clutter out of the living room, dusted all the furniture and mopped the hardwood. The kids were fighting and refused to stop so Logan got sent to his room to clean, Dylan to the play room to clean and Kyle must have felt guilty because he went in and did the dishes and vaccumed the living room, hallway and the boy's room. It looks SO nice and smells nice and I am excited to start the week off with a clean house. I should get mad at Kyle more often! ;-)
Before the "fight" and the cleaning began, I was doing my favorite sunday morning ritual. Reading PostSecret and looking at the Target and Kmart weekly ad on-line. I am trying to get some christmas gift ideas and for as cheap as possible of course. I can't believe Christmas is 3 months away. I bet my friend, Sue has hers done already! I did get a few gifts bought for the men in my life the other day...Eddie Bauer was having a great sale! Can;t beat paying $5 for a polo!
Kyle is wanting to eat..so I guess I better go help him figure something out...so I can eat too..and take some more advil. *sigh*
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Sunday Sunday
Posted by Tricia at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Sick Girl
I finally got my kids well and guess who gets sick? Me! I have had the most HORRIBLE sore throat I think I have ever had in my entire life. It's been miserable. Thursday night I ended up in bed with an aches and chills and crying to my mommy on the phone. Kyle brought me advil and cuddled with me for awhile before I finally drifted off to sleep.
Yesterday, I woke up and didn't feel TOO horrid..but my throat was still hurting. So, I took more advil and carried on with my day. Last night, Logan's school hosted a "parent's night out", so come hell or high water I was NOT missing out on a night of babysitting! So, I took a shower, put on makeup, dropped them off and went to dinner with my hubby. About the time we got seated, the aches started again, the chills started again. (I kept the crying to a minimum though!) I tried really really hard to just enjoy myself and my yummy steak dinner..but I just couldn't. I was miserable...even drinking a frozen margarita didn't help! wah!! every swallow was like razor blades in my throat!! UGH! in hindsight, I should have taken more advil before we went out..but I didn't... We got done eating about 8:15 and the kids weren't due to be picked up til 10. I knew that if we showed up earlier than the other parents that they would be ticked. So we came home, where I changed into some comfy clothes and sat on the couch mumbling and crying about my pain, death, etc, etc. Kyle brought me some advil which I had to MAKE myself take. just the thought of swallowing was almost more than I could bear (bare?).
Long story short (HA!), the advil kicked in about the time we went to bed. I took it again as soon as I woke up this morning and am fixing to take another dose. I've had K look in my throat and he doesn't see any blisters..so I am guessing it's not strep--I've never had strep in my life..so I don't know why it would happen now. However, if Monday I don't feel MUCH better...I am going to the dr.
Tonight we are taking the kids to an outdoor play of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. I think they will really like it..you know horses and fighting, and a little bit of fright..doesn't get better than THAT! LOL Hopefully, by taking my advil religiously today I won't be hit with another bought of fever, chills, and aches!
Posted by Tricia at 2:49 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Thinking of Disney
With fall officially here, I am thinking a lot about next fall and the hope that we will be in Disney World. My plan is to save our tax return and take a really awesome vacation in the fall. I think the boys are at a good age to go..and Kyle has never been...so I want to do it really right!
I am hoping I can get Kyle to agree to fly..he has a fear of flying and wants to drive..I think that is just silly..it will take at least 2 days to get there..and 2 days to get back..that just cuts into our vacation so much you know? Oh well...something that we can definitely discuss and figure out in the course of the next year or so. LOL
Something else to think about is where we will stay. I really really wanna stay "in" the park and ride the shuttles/trams where we need to go. Of course, I could do a search on Orlando real estate and find a really nice rental in the area..or hey! If my return is enough I could just purchase a home there and we would always have a place to stay while there, huh?!?
The next year will be fun trying to work this all out-I'm really looking forward to it!!
Posted by Tricia at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Now that Kyle is working and we have a little extra money...and Christmas is coming up..I am addicted to bargain websites. I check them several times a day to make sure I am not missing a great deal on something I HAVE to have.
If I'm not looking there..I am on craigslist looking at all the stuff there. I waste so much time looking at items I don't even need...like Dodge Charger accessories. Like I'm friends with Bo and Luke Duke and am going to give them a gift for their car for christmas! ROFL I don't know why I even click on some of the things I do...nosy I suppose!!
I really need a chair to complete the dining room set I got from CL a week or so ago..so I am always on the lookout for that. Not sure if CL is the place to find it though. hmmm...maybe I should post a "wanted" ad, instead of waiting for it to come to me!
Posted by Tricia at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Nice Saturday
We had a cook-out at a local park yesterday. Figured it would be the last one of the season. It was a really nice day and we found a site with 3 picnic tables right together...nestled under some nice big trees for shade! I have decided though, that cookouts/picnics are a LOT of work and preparation...al those trips from the house to the car, and then the car to the picnic site, then the site to the car, and finally the car back to the house. whew! I was exhausted when we got home! Hopefully..all that work burned off some of the million calories I KNOW I consumed!
Mom was having a hard time...it was a bad back day for her and she banged her knee, not once, not twice, but 3 times..it was swollen towards the end of the day. Of course she has knee problems anyway...but the banging it on things just aggravated it. She left before the rest of us and I told her to do a google search for osteoarthritis relief. I figure maybe she can find something to help her back AND knee. And when she does, I wanna use it too. My back has some serious issues!
So, we went to be at 10 last night..at 11:30 the phone rang. At first I ignored it. Then, they called right back--or course 2 calls right in a row after 11 means somebody is hurt or dead right?? apparently not...this call was about an Xbox I have for sale. Can you imagine?!?! I asked him if he wanted to come and get it right then. You know..I figured maybe he was in desperate need of an x-box playing session or something. He said...oh NO..it's too late. Well DUH, dinkus--why are you calling my house so late??? UGH! He did come this morning though and pick it up. I'm glad it's gone. Now I have a plethora of games to get rid of. I might just take them to gamestop or something.....
So far it's a lazy sunday...not for long though..I have a mountain of laundry and work to do. Logan has homework out the wazoo from missing 2 days last week. Good times...GOOD times.
Posted by Tricia at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
anniversary thoughts
I have lost 16 lbs! I am SOOO excited. My (unrealistic) goal is to be down to my wedding weight, on my 10 yr anniversary, 12/27. I need to lose 68 more pounds in about 13 weeks...somehow I don't think I will get there. LOL
Mom has agreed to watch the kids for the weekend so we can celebrate! I have been looking for someplace really neat to go...that isn't TOO far from home. Somehow, I ended up on a website for Mendocino lodging and NO place looks as neat as THOSE places. I don't think we can swing flying to CA for the weekend though! ;-)
It'll be so cold and probably snowy by then....I just can't figure if we should go to a "city" somewhere and stay in a hotel. Or stay in a cottage out in the woods and do nothing but hang out in the cottage. That would be right up Kyles alley...he is a hermit! LOL
So...I'll keep looking..I'm sure I can figure out something by then. hopefully.
Posted by Tricia at 8:21 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Light me up!
We got a new dining room table and chairs yesterday. I bought it from someone on Craigslist and it is so nice! I'm thrilled. We haven't had a table and chairs for a couple years now since the kids had a kids sized table they preferred to sit at and my house is small--I sold the set to give us some room. Now that they are older I am craving "family dinners" and a place for L to do his homework. So, now we have it. YAY!
Now I hate the light in the dining room. It's a fluorescent light and kinda ugly. I would love to get a pretty pendant light in there. Speaking of lights, I need to get a new one for the kitchen too. I was looking at lighting the other day and came across something called quoizel lighting. It's SO pretty. It will be awhile before I can afford to get anything new though. Since we HAVE light in there..it's just not a priority you know? It's not like the light is broken and we have to eat in the dark. hmmmmm...maybe I could "fix" that!! ;-)
Posted by Tricia at 7:48 AM 2 comments
Kyle has a really cool RC car that he loves to go out and drive..and the kids love to watch him! He got a new one about a year ago and sold his old one to a friend of his...so they can go out and drive them together. We might do that this weekend since we finally went to the Hobby Store and got gas for it and some other things.
It was so funny at the hobby store. The kids didn't really understand what it was before we went in...and kept asking why daddy had to "buy a hobby". LOL They were quickly entertained by all the cars, planes, trains, etc etc. They were even very interested in some rock tumblers that were being demonstrated. I don't really even get what a rock tumbler is...but they were pretty interested!! Which was totally fine with me. anything that keeps the fighting and screaming to a minimum and keeps the little hands for touching everything, HAS to be good!!
Posted by Tricia at 7:41 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 14, 2007
Not meant to be...
Dylan's pre-school got new furniture so they had all the old furniture out in the hallways. I noticed that several of the pieces said "SOLD" and had a last name. I saw a couple that I was very interested in...especially one with little compartment like mail boxes. I was thinking that it would be such a nice way to get the play room organized.
So, I asked at the front desk about buying one or two pieces. Sadly, she told me they were all sold...and the ones that weren't marked were going to another location. I was SO disappointed!! From Dylan's room to the front desk, I had already planned on getting rid of one of the desks in the play room and knew exactly where I would put the "new" furniture. oh well...*sigh*
Posted by Tricia at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 10, 2007
Destructive Little Monkeys
I don't know any little kids that are more destructive than mine. Just when you think they are behaving and being nice and innocent, you get slapped in the face with their destruction!
The other day, Dylan was playing nicely in his bedroom with a couple of matchbox cars and a little metal plane. He was talking and playing and having a grand old time. On my way to the bathroom, I peeked in to watch his super cute playing self. Imagine my surprise when I saw what he was doing--taking the point of the plane and and "nose diving" it into the wood on the bunk beds and ladder!!!
THEN...my mom bought them both big rubbermaid tubs full of craft supplies--paper, pencils, pens, markers, glue sticks, tape, stickers, etc etc. In the course of playing with all this...someone got the bright idea of taking a black marker and drawing all over my brand new kitchen floor!!! Luckily, the marker was washable so no little monkeys got beat!!
Can't wait to see what happens THIS week!
Posted by Tricia at 10:38 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 07, 2007
Taking Care of Me
So, once again I am on Weight watchers. This is my 3rd week--I weigh in tomorrow...but up to this point I have lost 11 pounds. This week has been bad--especially with labor day being on Monday and me eating like a freak at a cookout we went to. So..don't check back tomorrow for any reports of a big loss this week. quite sure I will see a gain. blah!
So..when I am feeling good and optimistic and liking that I am losing weight..I start thinking about the rest of me..and now I am wanting to invest in some good skin care products to take care of my face. I'm getting older and I really need to think about it now--rather than later. I even have my first "age spot". nice.
Hopefully, I'll see an improvement in my weight and skin in a few weeks. I'll keep you posted!!
Posted by Tricia at 8:43 PM 0 comments
stressful Decisions
I had a really really stressful today...all over Dylan and pre-school. so stupid, huh? I just want to make good mommy decisions--and I am so scared I'm not. Not that going to the "wrong" pre-school is going to be life altering for him. LOL
I finally came to a decision though and have felt much better. He starts on Monday...and I start training for my new job.
Good times.
Posted by Tricia at 8:30 PM 1 comments