Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday Sunday

We went to the outdoor play last night and had a really good time. The kids loved it and were PERFECT..which is REALLY saying something since they never are! It was very chilly though and I don't think it helped my sore throat at all. I think I have moved past the fever/chills/aches stage though..and the worst of the pain is over...although it still hurts pretty bad!

Kyle and I had a disagreement this morning and I started cleaning and doing laundry. I have done 2 loads of laundry, cleaned all the clutter out of the living room, dusted all the furniture and mopped the hardwood. The kids were fighting and refused to stop so Logan got sent to his room to clean, Dylan to the play room to clean and Kyle must have felt guilty because he went in and did the dishes and vaccumed the living room, hallway and the boy's room. It looks SO nice and smells nice and I am excited to start the week off with a clean house. I should get mad at Kyle more often! ;-)

Before the "fight" and the cleaning began, I was doing my favorite sunday morning ritual. Reading PostSecret and looking at the Target and Kmart weekly ad on-line. I am trying to get some christmas gift ideas and for as cheap as possible of course. I can't believe Christmas is 3 months away. I bet my friend, Sue has hers done already! I did get a few gifts bought for the men in my life the other day...Eddie Bauer was having a great sale! Can;t beat paying $5 for a polo!

Kyle is wanting to I guess I better go help him figure something I can eat too..and take some more advil. *sigh*