Friday, August 18, 2006

In the mood...

I have been kind of "blah" lately and really busy..and just not in the mood to blog. I think I am getting IN the mood again. I'm sure my faithful readers will be so pleased. :-)

Logan starts school next week and I am very excited, as is he. We go to orientation tomorrow morning so he can meet his teacher and see his room, etc. I think we might go to breakfast afterwards. I haven't been "sad" at all thinking about him going to Kindy...I'm really looking forward to the quiet. LOL the last couple of days though I have been getting little "pangs" of worry...worry that he will make friends, worry that he won't like it, etc etc. I know in my head he will be just fine, but in my heart, I worry.

Dylan starts pre-school 2 days after Labor Day. I'm REALLY looking forward to that, since I will have 3 days with no children. LOL Dylan is already used to the teachers and the school since Logan went there last year, and he is very outgoing and kinda beats to his own I'm not worried about him fitting in or making friends. I AM worried that they will kick him out though. LOL he is a bundle of energy and talks about poop & pee all the time and has no interst in learning should be interesting. I'm not so sure he will be ready to go to Kindy next year..but maybe.

Work is going well. My hours have been upped to 20 hours a week. Not too bad considering I was hired 6 months ago to work 8 hours a week. The business is growing steadily and I am excited about my future with them.

Kyle is in the process of interviewing and testing for a job. he went yesterday and passed all the tests and received a contingent offer of employment. Next step is physical and background check. We are keeping our fingers crossed that everything falls into place and he has a job soon.

We have become a foster family for labs. We got out first (and probably last) dog on Wednesday. He is a 10 mo. old male yellow lab. Jack, our dog..hates him and it is almost constant barking, fighting, growling, etc. Hence the reason this dog will probably be our last foster. LOL it's really been quite a pain., I love the Lab, "Kane" though. LOVE him. If he and Jack could get along..I think we would have to keep him. he is super smart, he already knows his new name, is potty trained, and goes into his crate like a champ. We have taught him SIT and LAY just since he has been here. He loves my kids and is so good with them. he even loves Jack. jack is just a little brat-face.

So, in a nutshell that is the lastest with us. :)