Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Good Grief!!!

Long time no post, huh? almost a month..sad, sad, sad!!! **hanging my head in shame**

Logan lost his first "supposed to" tooth today. He lost his 2 top front teeth last summer after getting those don't REALLy count (even though the fairy thought they did ;)) and today lost his bottom front left..the right will be a few days behind, I think. He is very excited for the TF to come and I am excited to BE her. :) He looks pretty cute with his "non-tooth" smile.

This is L's last week of school...tomorrow I am going to the school to help, it's a cleaning day...should be tons of fun. NOT! Friday is the last day and they have a fmaily picnic to celebrate...I am taking macaroni salad.

Rita, Alan, & Avery will be here this weekend. I need to come up with some cheap food ideas so i can keep them fed. We were in TN last week so I got to see Avery then..he is as precious as can be. I can't wait to see him again.

I've been working as much as possible lately..I wish my hours would get increased so I could count on that much money every month.

K has an interview..well, a qualifying test..not an interview yet. Hopefully, he will do really well and be called back to go through the rest of the process. life is boring and I am tired. I'm going to bed.