Tuesday, August 09, 2005

what next?

My sister called, she is having a biopsy tomorrow. I talked to her about a week ago and they had done an ultrasound and said she had endometriosis and would need a hysterectomy. At that point she had been bleeding for 72 days. she said she was going to hold off on the surgery until after christmas because of work, etc. So, she called today and said that her endometrial layer (of her uterus) is way too thick and want her to have a biopsy. she called me from Olive Garden where she was having a BIG lunch of lasagna and salad. Can we say "comfort food". LOL she should have the results in about 10 days. Please keep her in your prayers.


Cindy said...

Your poor family! I hope you know that you are constantly in my thoughts. I hope everything settles down for you guys soon. I miss talking to you!

Playground In My Mind said...

One of my favorite books was Erma Bombeck's "If Life is a Bowl of Cherries, what am I doing in the Pits?"
Cool blog. I am so sorry for your sister. I had the surgery in October. My sister had to have it six months prior to me and our little sis is going to have it... need to keep an eye on you, too. Prayers for healing. Renee

Jennifer said...

Tricia, are you still in Tennessee?
I would love to come back to TCCC. Have any thoughts?