Sunday, January 11, 2009

Weekend End

It's the end of the weekend and that makes me sad. I love our weekends of being home together.

Friday night we went to Kyle's cousins going away party. We didn't know anyone there, save him and another cousin so it was kinda awkward. We didn't stay long, but it was nice having a short "date".

Yesterday I went and joined WW and then I came home and picked up K and the boys and headed out the TGIFridays for lunch. It was SO good. I had this new macaroni and cheese thing with grilled chicken. It was wonderful! After lunch we went to Best Buy for the kids to spend the gift cards they received for Christmas.

The whole BB thing was kind of a fiasco..asking my children to make a decision is like pulling teeth. Well, no wait, Dylan made a very quick decision and was fine. Logan on the other hand was having a hard time and then freaked out because I suggested something different. In the end they each got a DS game and then pooled their money and bought a Wii game. of course mom and dad had to chip in $15...but that's alright.

We had a quiet evening at home...lots of video game playing!

This morning I ran out to get us McD's for breakfast and then finished up some paperwork I have been putting off. Kyles mom left the boys some money so I had to get all those papers filled out..had to find a missing birth certificate, etc. And then I had to fill out all the papers for re-enrollment for the kids school for next year. I can't believe it's time to do that already. Well, it's a little early but they were having an early bird special. If the packets are turned in before 1/16 we get a $25 discount per kid. Sounds like a good deal to me! I'm such a I am pretty proud of myself. yay me!

Now, the boys have been fed and showered and jammied and are playing more of their wii game before bed. Actually, I just remembered Dylan has I better get him started on that.

I made my grocery list for tomorrow and will go get all my "diet" foods after I drop the boys at school in the morning.

No big plans for this week...aside from starting the diet and exercising. I also get to work too!