Saturday, January 31, 2009

Super Bowl Plans??

We aren't big sport fans. Honestly, I only watch the SuperBowl for the commercials...and the food.

Logan has expressed interest in watching this year. His concern is that if he doesn't watch it and learn about football and he grows up and has a son that is interested in football..he won't be able to teach him about it! SO..Kyle is going to rectify that and teach him the ins and outs of football tomorrow.

Who's doing the half time show? (I get sidetracked easily)

I can't decide what kind of food to have. In all honesty, I should stick to my diet instead of having a "cheat day" as planned. I'm going to have to weigh in early this week because I *think* we are heading to TN at some point. So..I might just make a pot of chili or taco soup and be done with it. But I really have a hankerin' to make Pioneer Woman's Mexican Layer Dip. Who knows.

Of course it all depends on me getting to the store today. Kyle is working (and he has to work for awhile tomorrow) and Dylan has just started throwing up--this is the same sickness Logan had earlier this week. (PLEASE God...let it skip me!!!). So..I'm not sure how I am going to get to the store with all that excitement! Let's just hope I get there and I'm not forced to watch the SuperBowl while munching on fish sticks and oranges..because that's ALL we have to eat in this house right now.