Friday, December 01, 2006

Half Christmas Tree

Have you ever heard of a half christmas tree? I never had until the other night when my mom told me she saw one. The front is very full and the back is flat so it can be up against a wall. Definitely something I need in this house....there just isn't enough rooom to have a tree...well, there is..but we have big furniture and blah blah blah. LOL So, I decided I needed one...found one at JC Penney and Kyle said we should be responsible and make do with the tree we have, and buy this one after christmas when it is on sale. HMPH! I told my mom he said that and she said, "doesn't he understand that's not the way we do things?!?" ROFL I know JCP is having a sale on Sunday..and I SHOULD be able to get 20% off...and MAYBE with that...he would give the thumbs up. hmmmm. He told me last night I cold go ahead and order it...but I know that he is right about the money thing...I just want a pretty tree and the crappy tree we have is...BLECK and I dread putting it up. But I told the kids we would put a tree up this weekend..and if I order'll be at least a week before we get it. decisions, decisions.....