We got a letter from the Union saying that K's company had just cause for his termination, therefore they are closing the grievance and won't be pursuing the complaint further. It is such BS. I can't understand HOW a company can have an employee call in and ask for Family Medical Leave, and upon finding he is not eligible for FML, not let him know...and just let him stay home until he accrues enough points that he is fired. HOW is that right? My brain can't even grasp how that is right, or "just". I am SO frustrated because I know K was wronged. I guess we will be getting a lawyer now. I don't even know who to contact or what to do. My stomach is in knots and I HATE this. HATE this.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Thursday, May 19, 2005
New car?!?
We have been through a car nightmare the last 2 years. we HAD a WONDERFUL 2002 Dodge Grand Caravan, fully loaded. I LOVED it. Then Kyle got ill and went on disability for 8 months and we had to get rid of it because we couldn't afford the payment. :( So, we had just the Jeep Wrangler. then, my MIL gave her car to my SIL and my SIL gave her car to us. It's a 1990 Dodge Shadow. It's small but 4 door and it was FREE!! Well, that car started overheating and giving us fits and now, won't run. So, we are back to using the stupid Jeep. (Have you ever tried to fit 2 car seats in the back of a Jeep?? NOT FUN!!) My MIL called last night and said that Kyles cousin has a Bonneville that the engine blew in. He replaced the engine and now wants to sell it. She said she is going to discuss it further with him and maybe buy it for us (we would pay her back later when our $ situation is a little better). I had NO idea what a Bonneville looked like so I looked it up and I LOVE it. It's a 2000 with leather interior. So now, I kinda have my hopes up that my Jeep days are over. :) Please keep your fingers crossed for me!!
Posted by Tricia at 8:10 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
I weighed in tonight!! I lost 5.6 pounds!! I was SOOOOO excited!! This is MUCH easier than I had anticipated!! YAY!
Posted by Tricia at 8:29 PM 1 comments
I've been tagged by Renee....so I guess I will play! *sigh* ;)
01. Total volume of music files on my computer? UM, on this computer NONE...on my other computer..I have No idea.
02. The last CD I bought was? Good Grief. I haven't bought a CD in a LONG time. We burned one not too long ago that had a huge variety of songs I like.
03. Song playing right now: No music, just West wing in the background.
04. Five songs I listen to a lot or that mean a lot to me(in no particular order):
1) "Unanswered Prayers" Garth Brooks
2) "To Me" Kenny Rogers
3) "I have been blessed" Faith Hill
4) "When you say nothing at all"
5) "bridge over troubled water" Clay aiken
05. Which 5 people are you passing this baton to, and why?
Because they are the only people that I KNOW read my blog. LOL
Posted by Tricia at 1:31 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 16, 2005
Breast Cancer Walk
I have a wonderful friend that is doing something very selfless. She is walking (for the 3rd time) in a walk for Breast Cancer Research. If you would like to sponsor Cindy, you can do so here. thanks so much!! :)
Posted by Tricia at 5:28 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Happy Birthday Kyle!!
Today is my hubbys birthday! He is THIRTY! I was looking at all the gray in his hair today...he is getting old!! ;) Of course we won't talk about the fact that I am 6 months older than him and I have MUCH more gray hair. LOL
The kids and I gave him cards and a GPS, so we can take up the "sport" of GeoCaching. He really liked it! :) Aunt Sally sent the kids a letter and $20 in McDonalds GC's so they could take daddy there for a birthday party. SO, the kids are all gung-ho to go today and K just wants to be lazy at home. We MIGHT be able to hold the kiddies off until tomorrow!! :)
I am going to go pick up an ice cream cake later, Kyle doesn't like "real cake". he's an odd one.
Posted by Tricia at 3:05 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 14, 2005
made it!
I actually made it through Day 1 of my diet. I stayed within my points and wasn'tcompletely miserable!! :) I have been crusing various WW message boards looking for some recipes. Kyle is doing this with me and he is pretty picky so I am wanting to keep his food interesting. OH! My mom brought Krispie Kreme donut holes for the kids last night and I didn't even eat one! YAY me!!
Kyles b-day is tomorrow so I need to run out and get him a gift today...for some reason I scheduled myself to work tomorrow afternoon. I think I will remove myself from that shift. Mom is going to watch the boys one day next week so I can take him to dinner and a movie.
Today is my niece, shelbea's b-day so I need to call her. She is 9 (I think LOL)
Posted by Tricia at 10:40 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Having my mom move closer is SO nice, but it sure is keeping me busy. I will be so glad when things at her house are done so I can quit helping with stuff!! ;)
Today, I have to work from 9:15 to 10 and then I guess I will go out and mow the stupid lawn. It looks like a jungle in my yard...it's so bad, I'm embarassed. LOL I was going to do it yesterday and then found out the temp today is supposed to be in the 60's...that sounds like MUCH better mowing weather than the 80 some degrees it was yesterday!! Kyle will be putting together my moms new tables and installing a phone line in her living room. We still need to get the trim in the living room painted and there are still quite a few boxes to be unpacked and put away. It will all end SOMEDAY!
I joined Weight Watchers tuesday night. I am actually starting the "diet" today. Yesterday we took the kids out to the dairy farm and I HAD to eat their yummy chicken salad and ice cream!! So, today is day 1. I am excited to get started and get this weight off.
Posted by Tricia at 7:23 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 05, 2005
New and Improved Blog!!!
My very wonderful, beautiful, thoughtful, and SO nice friend, Renee added some new groovy stuff to my blog. I feel like I actually "belong" to the blog community now! Thanks Renee for making me fit in.....where were you in Jr. High?!? LOL
Posted by Tricia at 11:46 AM 2 comments
My husband turns 30 in 10 days. I wish I could figure out something really special to do for him. Everything I think of is so expensive. We will probably end up going to dinner and a movie and having the obligatory b-day sex afterwards. ;-)
Posted by Tricia at 11:32 AM 1 comments
Moved in
Mom is finally moved in. Meaning all of her belongings have been moved from one location to another. LOL she is still living ot of boxes and trying to get all of that figured out. It has been one hellacious move. We are all sore and tired and have vowed to never move again.
Posted by Tricia at 11:30 AM 1 comments
Sad Little Girl
My friend R has joint custody of his daughter M. He has her every other weekend and every other Wed & Thurs night. I take her to school on the mornings he has her. I don't think her home life (with her mom) is very happy....and this morning confirmed that for me. he dropped her off and she took off her backpack and then realized she didn't have her lunch. I immediately called R and he said he forgot it in the fridge and would get it to school before lunch. fine. I told M and she was SO freaked out by it, she asked a million questions and then proceded to bawl. I hugged her and reassured her and she cried and cried and cried. I called R so he could talk to her and she settled down and then continued to cry. She was worried about how she would get it, worried about what R's boss would say, and nothing I said helped to reassure her or calm her down. She was in such a tizzy that she said she was sick, and begged to go home. It was so sad....and just doesn't seem "normal" to me. Especially not for this little girl. I just felt really really sorry for her!! :( R did get her lunch here before we had to leave to go to school and she was fine. He said that she acts like this over anything she loses or forgets or misplaces. He said he has told her over and over that it is not a big deal....that ANYTHING she loses, he can replace. he is worried that maybe she gets in a lot of trouble at home when she loses or forgets something. Poor M. breaks my heart.
Posted by Tricia at 11:08 AM 1 comments