Sunday, October 24, 2010


My brother is mentally handicapped, tomorrow he will turn 40. We will celebrate his birthday today with pizza and cake. I got him a popeye t-shirt and a pair of jammie pants. He will enjoy the party but it will be full of talk of thanksgiving and Christmas as he is incapable of just focusing on the now. He drives us all a little crazy--bless his heart.

I can't believe he is 40.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


I have begun to make some changes in my life. The first one is joining weight watchers, again! I am determined this time and am confident it's something I will stick with. I joined 2 weeks ago and had my 1st weigh in on Tuesday night. I lost 3.8 lbs. I was thrilled. :-) My scale at home did not show a loss at all, so I spent the drive there giving myself a pep talk. The loss was a true surprise. I can't wait to weigh in again this Tuesday! My friend, Robin from work is going with me. After the meeting we sat in her car and talked and laughed SO hard. It was nice to just not think and BE for a while. Laughter is wonderful medicine!

The second change is to focus on things that make me feel pretty, nice....better. It's kinda silly the little changes I have made, but they do make such a difference. I am taking the time to apply lotion (the smell good kind) after every shower and I am shaving a lot more often. I am also trying to take time for makeup in the morning. Oh, and I bought that new Olay 7 in 1 body wash. I really like it. I notice a big difference in my skin!

Along with the cleanliness/lotiony/shaven/smellin' good change I have been taking more care with what I wear as my "lounging clothes". We are big jammie wearers here. when we come in, the clothes come off, the jammies go on. Which is all fine and dandy, but I have gotten a little too comfortable in my comfortable clothes. T-shirts with holes, pants with worn out elastic, mismatchedness, braless. Just your typical grungy gross girl look. So, I am weeding out the old jammies and bringing in new. Cute things. Unstained, Unholy (but not sinful ;) ), untorn, matching things! Along with that; cute bras and panties..that MATCH! I have even stepped out of my cotton panty comfortzone and purchased a few silky/lacy pair! And instead of letting the girls hang out bra free in all their sagginess, I have bought a couple softcup comfort bras to wear around the house.

The third change came in the way of a long overdue haircut yesterday. I had several inches cut off and lots of layers put in. I love it!

I am not a huge fan of change. In fact, I have a real hard time with it. but these changes I can do. This I can handle. And I'm going to like myself a little better for it!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


Woke up this morning @ 4 with terrible anxiety. Not sure what that is about. I prayed for a while and then got out of bed and took a shower. The anxiety lingers. hate it.
Yesterday was better at work. I did not have access to my location but I helped someone else make calls on theirs, least I had something to do. Something is SO much better than nothing!!
Glad it is Wednesday..can't wait for Friday.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010


Yesterday, work was MIS.ER.A.BLE! I was excited because it was to be my first day on my very own assignment. WRONG! We were told we couldn't start calling on our new assignments until tomorrow (Tuesday) and yesterday would be spent reviewing the records, familiarizing ourselves, etc. Fine. Except...I did not have access to my location yet! ERGH! Guess what I did all day?? Sat in my cube. That's it. I wanted to cry. Supposedly, I will have access today--oh how I hope!
Logan was pretty sick yesterday with an asthma flare up. It was the first time I had to be away from him when he was sick. The first time I couldn't take him to the dr. myself. It was hard, but I left him in Grandma's care and she (and he) did just fine. I guess we are all growing up.
Disney finally released free dining for September. I called and updated our reservations yesterday! YAY! Come on September!!!!

Saturday, May 01, 2010


It was gorgeous yesterday! Clear blue skies, 80 something degrees. I was stuck in a building all day with no windows. I got to enjoy the beautiful weather on my two 15 min breaks and on my drive home. This morning I woke up to grayness and rain. It's just as well though, I will be stuck inside doing school work all day. This working full time and going to school is going to do me in. I will be so glad when summer break is here!!

I finished my 3 weeks of training and on Monday will start calling on "my" location in GA. I'm excited to have an area of my own--a database of my own, etc.

I signed the kids up for daycare for 2 days/wk this summer. It's at a church close to where Kyle works so he can drop off and pick up. They take field trips on MWF so I am going to have them go 2 of those days. That way they get to do lots of fun stuff this summer and mom gets a break from having them 5 days a week. If they go there 2 days and mom takes them to the free movie one day and swimming one day, that will be a pretty good week for all involved! :) I think they will have fun!

I booked a vacation for Disney again. In September when they have free Dining. We were trying to decide where to go and decided that we had such a good time at Disney last time and really loved the whole aspect of it being "all inclusive" and not having to drive anywhere, etc. that we wanted to experience it again. So we are. and I can't wait!

Our dishwasher went out last week so we are supposed to buy a new one this weekend. Kyle hurt his back at work yesterday so I'm not real sure how that's going to pan out. It might have to wait a week. I am excited to go and look--it's been 10 years since I've shopped for appliances. We have white..but are going for black this time. We are getting my father in laws new fridge and stove and they are it kinda made the decision for us. I'm very excited!

Waiting on a court date for Kyle to be named the executor of his father's estate. When we go down to TN to take care of that, we will get the appliances. I wish it would hurry up..we have lots of things to take care of and are waiting for that piece of paper.

Alright, my thoughts have rambled long enough, I have to do some schoolwork. lucky me.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Here I go again?!?

I have so much going on...that I'm not sure why I am starting this now. Insanity, I suppose. but I felt the nudge so here I am! Or...I'm supposed to be doing homework and don't that nudge could just be old fashioned avoidance!!

I am now working a full time job OUT in the real world. no more working from home, in my jammies for me! hmmph! I'm only a little bitter! I am also going to school full time! Cuh-RAZY! I am not loving either thing and am regularly heard saying, "School is stupid" or "work is stupid". yes, stupid, but necessary...for now.

Don't feel like playing the "catch up game" I so often play after my breaks from blogging. So, I'm not gonna! Just follow along in my daily'll figure it out! ;)