Sunday, June 29, 2008


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Horsin' Around

I was looking at my nails the other day noticing how long they are growing. For some reason, that reminded me of the shampoo I used several years ago when one of the main focuses in my life was how long I could grow my hair. (I finally stopped when my hair was about 1/2" above my knees!!)

So, I was thinking about this shampoo and I knew it had something to do with horses. I actually bought it from a store that sells supplies, horse supplements, supplies and what not. I knew it was something about horse hair. Then I remembered...Mane and Tail. That's what it was. It worked well too. If I ever want to grow my hair to knee length again..I'll have to pick some up!!


On the radio lately, I have heard these commercials for Michigan. In the commercial the guy is talking in this nice, calm, soothing voice all about water. After hearing it for a few weeks, I am SO ready to go visit Michigan! Sounds like the BEST place on earth!!

I was talking to my mom about how much I LOVE water...just to be close to the water, the smell of it, the look of it, the sound of it, the feel of the breeze when you are close to it. I LOVE it!

I am thinking my next vacation is going to have to be on the water, maybe a houseboat or a cabin on a lake or maybe I'll look into Outer Banks rentals and get an awesome house right on the beach.

Hmmm..I'm thirsty.

He's baaackkkk!

Al has moved back to town. Why? I have no idea. My mom wants nothing to do with him and has told him as much. But whatever. I helped mom go through her house and get the few belongings he still had there. We packed them up and took them over to his new apartment.

I guess a part of me feels sorry for him...he has is 1 bedroom apt with nothing in it aside from some rented furniture and a computer he got from one of those computer rentals places. I guess he has been sleeping on the couch because he doesn't have a bed..we brought his blow up mattress to him, he said he was glad to not have to sleep on the couch tonight. So..anyway, I feel sorry that he is a 60 something man with nothing. But at the same time..I can't forget how he has treated my mom and Tony..and me!

Mom has so much guilt and not sure what she is "supposed" to feel or act. It's just a mess. UGH. Please keep her in your prayers.


Alright. I've messed around long enough. Yes, I am talking about starting my diet. AGAIN! I know. It's very sad how often I start a diet..but the countdown is ON for Disney and I need to lose some weight. As nice as it would be to order a diet pill like lipovox
and have it work awesome while I sit on my hiney and eat whatever I want. I am going to go the weight watchers route...along with exercise. I am LOVING the WiiFit. So..this time in about 8 weeks I will be thinner and healther. Pinky Swear!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


The boys have been in Swimming Lessons for 3 weeks now and they are doing SO well. I can't believe it. I am SO proud and think they might be able to move on to Level 2 lessons when this session is up in 2 weeks. We'll see though. I would like to take them swimming with me..but I need a bathing suit and the one I want is on backorder until July 28!! I might have to go to a store and see if I can find one. maybe I will do that this weekend. Swimsuit shopping. yuck! My good friend, Krista insists that everyone is more interested in themselves than to care what I look like in my suit. I try to remember that EVERY year! LOL

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Saving Money

I have been on a money saving kick lately, trying to save every extra penny for our Disney trip. I read quite a few money saving blogs and have gotten some great ideas and by reading these blogs I have gotten $380 in free money!! Definitely can't beat that!!!

In addition to signing up for things with cash incentives, I have been looking at all my monthly bills for things like phone, cable, cell phone, etc seeing what I can reduce. I have had a little luck, but not much as I already scaled that stuff down a while ago. One of the things I keep thinking about is doing a auto insurance comparison but we have been with our insurance company so before K and I even got married that I feel like I should be loyal to them. Anytime we have had an issue come up they have taken really good care of us and I am kinda scared to for now, I think I will wait on that.

Now, if we can just quit eating out so often we will be in good shape.

Clean House

My disgusting house is driving me INSANE!! I HAVE to get it in order and PRONTO! So...that is the plan for today. Clean house. I HATE to do it, but will be SO glad when it is done. Last weekend I cleaned out our front closet and got rid of THREE bags of stuff for Goodwill and moved stuff that we don't need up here to the basement. Now, the closet is SO clean and Kyle can actually put his tool bag in it when he gets home from work!!! So...hopefully I can stay along the same mind frame and do that with all areas of my house!!

Thursday, June 05, 2008


Logan's first official day of Summer break was yesterday. However, he missed the LAST day of school due to throwing up and the Big D! He is very well now and thus, Summer vaca has officially begun!!

Dylan is going to stay at his school until June 23. His B-day is June 21 and I want him to be able to take treats and celebrate with his little friends.

Amelia will be staying with us again this summer...unless she gets into a work program.

I am REALLY hoping I can get my crap together and be a good mom this summer instead of the sucky, lazy, sit-at-home mom I usually am!

So far, I have signed the boys up for swimming lessons twice a week, we will go to the free family movies once or twice a week and I want to take them to some different parks, etc in the area once a week.

In addition to being the fun mom..I want to become an organized and clean mom and take better care of my home. I also want to work on my boys behavior and listening skills etc. I need to come up with some plans of action. I have lots of ideas in my head but am having a hard time getting it to come out of my head and make sense.

Hopefully, summer will be a good time for us all. And once Summer is over...DISNEY!!