Sunday, July 22, 2007

good weekend!!

Tammy dropped Shelbea off at about 10 yesterday morning. At noon, we (shelbea and I) went with my mom shopping and to lunch. She bought me some new outfits to take to TX (thank God, because the stuff I wear on a daily basis is pretty, "bleck!"), We then went to Max and Erma's for lunch, to Lowes to pick up a grill for mom, and to Payless to look for shoes--no luck there!:(

Mom dropped Shelbea and I at home and we waited for Tammy to pick her up. Kyle had taken the boys to the park to do some hiking,so when Tam came I asked her to take me down to the park. She did, and I met up with the boys and we did some walking, lots of bridge climbing and just enjoying nature. It's SO pretty here this weekend...the sky is BLUE, the temp is GREAT, and there is an awesome breeze!! Can't beat it!! Anyway, we came home for a couple hours and then the boys and I dropped K off at his cousins for some "guy time"...the make a fire in the fire pit and sit around and drink and talk and laugh. It's really annoying..but K deserves some "time off" every once in a while! ;) Mom came down at midnight and sat here (while the kids slept), while I went to pick K's drunk behind up. We came home and ate leftover pizza and watched Psych.

Today...we went to a different park to do MORE hiking. We met up with our friend Rick and his daughter, Merah and we walked and walked and walked...I literally thought I was going to die! I was trying SO hard to not be the "fat, out of shape, whiner" that I WANTED to be!! LOL the only thing that "saved" me was knowing that I was getting really good exercise and that my pores were getting nice and cleaned out--from all that sweating..and that my metabolism was going to be high for several anything I ate tonight would be like a "freebie" own littleMiracle burn of calories...I had yet to consume. But that's what kept me going!! I know, it's sad isn't it?!?

It does make me realize how much I DO NEED to exercise on a regular basis and lose some weight--so I won't always be that fat, out of shape, whiner!!

We saw a couple of really turtles at the that was pretty worthwile of the walk too!! :-)

Now, we are beat and just hanging out. The kids are all showered and jammied and eating dessert and then heading to bed. I think I am going to go grab Taco Bell for K and I for dinner and then I am going to take a LONG bath...cause you starts tomorrow! BLECK!


Jennifer said...

I'm glad you had a good weekend!! I haven't ever been to Max & Erma' it good?
Have a great week!! :)