Monday, July 02, 2007

Chel-a-see visit!!

Seems almost all my blog entries lately have something to do with my sister and this one is no exception!

Chelsea is coming to visit! She (and her 2 sisters) live in TX still, with their dad. She and my sister have had their differences lately and she hasn't been a very nice daughter. So, she called Tammy the other day and told her how much she misses her and how she wants to see her, and apologized for being so mean, etc etc. Tammy said she was SO sweet and it was SO nice to hear from her.

Anyway, Chelsea asked if she could ride out here with Larry at the end of this week when he brings the moving truck and stay for a couple weeks. Tammy told her that was fine. So Chelsea hung up with her...and immediately called her back and said that her dad said it was fine and that she called work and took time off, BUT that her dad wouldn't let her come unless Tammy could show him the receipt for the plane ticket FIRST! *rolleyes* So, Tammy was trying to figure all that out since you know, she is in the middle of a move and just started a new job and Chelsea is supposed to come at the end of this week..etc, etc. Long story short (ha!) My mom purchased Chelsea's ticket tonight and she is coming to stay for 12 days! YAY! I think I will take a couple half days off while she is here so we can do some fun stuff.