Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday, Sunday....

We ALL ended up going to get Logan's shoes..then we went to lunch at Bob Evans and then to Lowe's.

Actually, K dropped me at the door..I ran into K-mart and got the boys each a pair of sandals and Logan a pair of dress shoes. I buy Thom McAn sandals every year..they are leather and cheap and I know they will fit--so it keeps me from dragging the little darlings in to try on shoes.

Byt the time I got up to the check out I decided I hated the dress shoes. The soles were very "luggy"..and I hate that. I bought them anyway and had K drive by Payless as well. They had some there that I liked, but couldn't decide if I liked them, I bought them and decided I would take one pair back. They were having a BOGO 1/2 off sale so I tried to find another pair..even a pair for me and didn't see anything. I was bummed. So, I get up to the check-out and they shoes rang up for $6.00! I was so excited..they were marked $19.99!! Of course the more expensive ones are going back!! :-)

We then went to Bob Evans and had a yummy lunch/early dinner. The children were wonderfully behaved. It was very nice.

On to Lowe's where we were on a quest for door stops, wood screws, house painting samples and to look at some stuff for the remodeling/renovations that are getting ready to be done on our house. Of course the kids were NUTS there..hiding between boxes, crawling under stuff, trying to climb ladders, etc etc. They were SOOOO nasty dirty after we got out of there. Bleck. So..since they couldn't listen..we came straight home instead of stopping for ice cream as planned. I was SO annoyed. I wanted ice cream, darn it! Spastic little kids..gotta ruin all MY fun!

So..we came home and Logan did his homework and they both took showers. They both ate again and now they are in bed. I think Kyle and I are going to watch Babel.


Stacey said...

Hi! I'm Stacey, got to you on Top Momma--just stopped in to read your blog and thought I'd comment you. I'm a mommy of three (17, 15 and nearly 10) and I must say I'm quite impressed you got so much accomplished! lol